About the Glider Waypoint Server Script


What is WPServe?
The Waypoint Database

What is WPServe?

WPServe consist of two parts. 1) A waypoint database, and 2) a Perl scritpt used to view and download waypoints from the database on a variety of file formats. WPServe should be installed on a Unix/Linux web-server, and is targeted to national gliding assiciation, gliding clubs and competion organizers who want to provide their waypoints online to download for their pilots.

You can have a look at it here.

The Waypoint Database

The waypoint database is stored in a mysql database on the Web-server.  This database contains both waypoints, predefined waypoint lists, together with format specifications for file formats. The waypoint table is designed according to an the IGC format for waypoint data [pdf] (For some reason this document is no longer available at IGC's home pages, hower a copy is provided here).

You can see the entire database specification here.