WPServe Database SecificationTables
The waypts
Internal fields |
iwp int |
An internal waypoint
identification number. This is an autoincrement field, and will hence
be assigned by the DBMS. |
id char(8) |
An internal waypoint
identification code. This code must be unique
within the entire database, and is composed of the nation code (to
characters) and the waypoint code (six characters). |
no decimal(4) |
A waypoint number.
Although it is common to assign numbers to
waypoints, this field is not part of the IGC-format. If no value is
assigned, one will be assigned. |
dlat, dlon double |
Latitude and longitude in
decimal degrees. These are not the official coordinates, but
calculated from the lat-field
and lon field. The main
purpose of the coordinates is to facilitate geographcal searching for
waypoints. |
Mandatory fields | |
code char(6) |
Unique identification or
waypoint code. Must be all uppercase letters,
and non-ascii characters are not permitted. This will be the official
name of the waypoint and must be unique within each country. |
nation char(2) |
ISO 3166 two-character
nation code. If a club is providing a waypoint in a neighbouring
country, the nation code of the club should be used. Not the country it
is in. |
lat, lon char(10/11) |
Official waypoint
coordinates; WGS84 latitude and longitude, formatted as "DD nMM.mmmX" for latitudes and
"DDD MM.mmmX" for
longitudes. |
fields |
title char(20) |
Full waypoint title. |
exact char(50) |
Exact description of the
physical feature on the
gound. For example "church", "club house", "tower". |
date date |
Date, in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD), of the last update of this waypoint. |
freq decimal(7,3) |
Radio frequency in MHz
relevant to the
point. Should be given if the the waypoint is an airfield. |
fields |
alt char(8) |
Waypoint altitude. Is
either on the form AAAA.am if
in meters, or AAAAAf for feet. |
type char(5) |
Waypoint type code. The
presence of the following
charactes in this field, indicates the the following type:
fndblty char(2) |
Findability of the point.
This is a letter A, B, C, D or E
for the ease of finding the point from the air, and N indicates No
physical presence on the ground. Category A is good and marked on
commonlyused air maps (scale about half million), E is poor and might
need local knowledge. |
feature fdist fbear char(12/5/3) |
The approximate distance (fdist) and bearing (fbear)
from a large well-known feature,
typically a city, or town. The distance should be on the form DDDk/nm/mi (k=km,
nm=Nautical Miles, mi=Statute Miles) and bearing is the approximate
bearing (true degrees) from the feature. |
descr char(70) |
Provides further details of the point, where needed. |
maptype mapsht char(6/6) |
Maptype is the map type or scale,
and mapsht
the sheet number, of a detailed map on which the exact point
can be found. Map type may typically designate the map series
name, such as "M711" or "N50", or designate is scale such as "50k". |
url char(100) |
If provided, describes an
URL to a web-page associated with the way point. For example if
the waypoint is a glider site, could point to the home page of the
gliding club. |
spare char(255) |
You can add any
information you like here. |
Fields |
id char(8) |
A unque waypoint list
identificator. The two
first charactes is the national designator, the rest is for free
but should be drawn from list ''name''. |
Fields |
name char(32) |
The name of the waypoint
list |
nation char(2) |
ISO 3166 two-character nation code. |
date date |
Date that the list was
issued. Should not be
before the date of the last waypoint update in the list, and should be
updated every year. |
Fields |
home char(8) |
Waypoint id (waypts.id) of the default home
point for this waypoint list. |
contact char(64) |
Contact to responsible
maintaining the list. Preferrably with an email address. |
version char(10) |
A version string |
ls_id char(8) |
waypoint list identifier: wplists.id |
wp_id char(8) |
waypoint identifier: waypts.id |
id char(8) |
Format identifier string
that should be created on base of the format name. Note when
presented to the users, the formats will be sorted according to this
field, so make sure that the name and id will be sorted identically. |
name char(32) |
Format name, preferrably
with a version number if applicable. |
ext char(4) |
Default file name
extension for files of this format. Shall not include the period,
so four-charcter extensions are allowed. |
mode 'bin' | 'text' |
Specifies whether the file
format is text or binary. |
header text |
Specifies the format of
the header. NULL if the format does not provide any header. |
record text |
Specifies the format of a
waypoint record. As with the header and trailer format, you
should read about the format of this string in the source code
documentation. |
trailer text |
Specifies the format of
the file trailer. NULL if the format does not provide any header |
comment char(20) |
Specifies the format of
comments. For example "# [comment]\n" |
ccode char(2) |
ISO 3166 two-character nation code. |
name char(45) |
Name of country (English). |